The Candela Structures


About Exhibit Visit FAQ Photos Press Credits Contact Origins: The '64 Fair What's In a Name? And Then There Were Two Buildinglets by the Bay Models of Delight Where to Find Them One Mystery Solved! What's Next? Rename the Candelas Pictures of the Exhibition Make Your Own Mini-Exhibit! Introduction

Rename The Candelas

Now that we know Peter Schladermundt, not FĂ©lix Candela, designed the pavilions, they're going to need a new name. Below are some suggestions from people who saw the show. What do you think? Tell us!

suggestion book


suggestion book




suggestion book


suggestion book


suggestion book


suggestion book

Visitors to the exhibition left their suggestions for new names for the Candela Structures in the book shown below. Above are scans from the book's pages.

Rename the Candela Structures



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