The Candela Structures


About Exhibit Visit FAQ Photos Press Credits Contact Origins: The '64 Fair What's In a Name? And Then There Were Two Buildinglets by the Bay Models of Delight Where to Find Them One Mystery Solved! What's Next? Rename the Candelas Pictures of the Exhibition Make Your Own Mini-Exhibit! Introduction

Pictures Of The Exhibition

You can view a few snaps from the opening on Flickr, or see some installation photos of the show below. More exhibition installation photos are in this set on Flickr, and photos of the structures are on the Photos page in the main site.

panorama view of the installation


The Candela Structures: A New York City History Mystery


The Candela Structures exhibition


Peter Schladermudt


World's Fair Marina ephemera


what's next for the Candela Structures?


Candela footnote


Candela footnote


Kirsten Hively and Paul Lukas




Previous: Rename the Candelas

Next: Mini-Exhibit!